tutorial 3 -- Calculator α

This time is an example of calcucator.

The Grammar File

%token Number<int> Add Sub Mul Div;
%namespace calc;

Expr<int> : [Identity] Term(0)
          | [MakeAdd] Expr(0) Add Term(1)
          | [MakeSub] Expr(0) Sub Term(1)

Term<int> : [Identity] Number(0)
          | [MakeMul] Term(0) Mul Number(1)
          | [MakeDiv] Term(0) Div Number(1)

If you experienced usage of BNF, you can easily understand almost all. As described above, the element not followed by "(digit)" is not used in the semantic action.

The Handling File

#include "calc0.hpp"
#include <iostream>

class unexpected_char : public std::exception {};

template < class It >
class scanner {
        typedef int char_type;

        scanner( It b, It e ) : b_(b), e_(e), c_(b), unget_(EOF) { }

        calc::Token get( int& v )
                int c;
                do {
                        c = getc();
                } while( isspace( c ) );

                // symbols
                switch( c ) {
                case '+': return calc::token_Add;
                case '-': return calc::token_Sub;
                case '*': return calc::token_Mul;
                case '/': return calc::token_Div;
                case EOF: return calc::token_eof;

                // integers
                if( isdigit( c ) ) {
                        int n = 0;
                        while( c != EOF && isdigit( c ) ) {
                                n *= 10;
                                n += c - '0';
                                c = getc();
                        ungetc( c );
                        v = n;
                        return calc::token_Number;

                std::cerr << char(c) << std::endl;
                throw unexpected_char();

        char_type getc()
                int c;
                if( unget_ != EOF ) {
                        c = unget_;
                        unget_ = EOF;
                } else if( c_ == e_ ) {
                        c = EOF; 
                } else {
                        c = *c_++;
                return c;

        void ungetc( char_type c )
                if( c != EOF ) {
                        unget_ = c;

        It              b_;
        It              e_;
        It              c_;
        char_type       unget_;


struct SemanticAction {
        void syntax_error(){}
        void stack_overflow(){}
        void downcast( int& x, int y ) { x = y; }
        void upcast( int& x, int y ) { x = y; }

        int Identity( int n ) { return n; }
        int MakeAdd( int x, int y )
                std::cerr << "expr " << x << " + " << y << std::endl;
                return x + y ; 
        int MakeSub( int x, int y )
                std::cerr << "expr " << x << " - " << y << std::endl;
                return x - y ; 
        int MakeMul( int x, int y )
                std::cerr << "expr " << x << " * " << y << std::endl;
                return x * y ;
        int MakeDiv( int x, int y )
                std::cerr << "expr " << x << " / " << y << std::endl;
                return x / y ;

int main( int, char** )
        // The scanner
        typedef std::istreambuf_iterator<char> is_iterator;
        is_iterator b( std::cin );
        is_iterator e;
        scanner< is_iterator > s( b, e );

        SemanticAction sa;

        calc::Parser< int, SemanticAction > parser( sa );

        calc::Token token;
        for(;;) {
                int v;
                token = s.get( v );
                if( parser.post( token, v ) ) { break; }

        int v;
        if( parser.accept( v ) ) {
                std::cerr << "accpeted\n";
                std::cerr << v << std::endl;

        return 0;

This time, for a scanner was necessary, so I prepared a handwritten scanner. There is no difficult stuffs. Read the source carefully. If handwriting is troublesome for you, you can use boost::regex etc.

At semantic actions, there is no new type items.

The main function introduced some new items as below:

The return value of parser.post

Returns true when the whole was accepted or error was detected; otherwise returns false.

The return value of parser.accept

parser.accept is valid only after parser.post returned true. If error occurs, v becomes an indefinite value and the function returns false. Otherwise it is successful, v is assigned the value of the left side of the root grammar, and the function returns true.

If you experienced yacc etc., there is no difficult thing.


% ./calc0
expr 3 * 7
expr 8 + 21