tutorial 1 -- hello world β

This time, let's make the program that displays a text in acceptance of rule.

Do learn about semantic actions.

The Grammar File

%token Hello World;
%namespace hello_world;

HelloWorld<int> : [Greet] Hello World;

The difference from hello0.cpg is that a semantic action was specified at Line 5. By that, if "HelloWorld" rule was accepted, then the member function Greet of SemanticAction will be called.

The Calling File

#include <iostream>
#include "hello1.hpp"

struct SemanticAction {
        void syntax_error(){}
        void stack_overflow(){}
        void upcast( int& x, int y ) { x = y; }

        int Greet() {
                std::cout << "hello world" <<
                return 0;

int main( int, char** )
        SemanticAction sa;
        hello_world::Parser< int, SemanticAction > parser( sa );

        parser.post( hello_world::token_Hello, 0 );
        parser.post( hello_world::token_World, 0 );
        parser.post( hello_world::token_eof, 0 );

        return 0;

Two lines added to SemanticAction.

At Line 7, upcast is a function to provide conversion from each type of non-terminal symbols, to the "type of the whole set of semantic values", given as a template parameter when Parser is instantiated. If there is one or more semantic action functions, then you must define this function for safe type conversion.

This upcast function defines y-to-x conversion. This time, the acceptance result type of "HelloWorld" of Greet defined in the grammar file, is int. The type of whole semantic values given as the 1st template paramter of the parser, is also int. So, "void upcast( int& x, int y ) { x = y; }" is OK.

Line 9 is the semantic action of this tutorial main theme. Each type of the parameters and return value of semantic action function are defined by the grammar rule. Let's see HelloWorld again.

HelloWorld<int> : [Greet] Hello World;

This definition determines:

(We will explain about parameters at later tutorials).


Greet will be executed at rule acceptance. "hello world" will be outputted to the standard output.